Cumberland River Compact

Photo by: Andrea Behrends

“Our mission is contagious. When one company sees another adopt a stream, when one neighbor sees another build a rain garden, and when one teacher sees another inspire students with environmental STEM lessons - we begin to see a critical mass of people who will make the change needed for a future of clean and abundant water.”

Mekayle Houghton, Executive Director

About Cumberland River Compact

The Cumberland River Compact (the Compact) is dedicated to ensuring clean and abundant water throughout the Cumberland River basin, a vast 18,000 square mile watershed spanning Tennessee and Kentucky. Serving 3 million people and thousands of species, the Compact addresses the root causes of water pollution through action, education, and collaboration. The Compact has been recognized with multiple awards, including the Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Award, for its work in urban waters, working lands, stream restoration, and community education.

>> Learn more: CRC Website | Instagram

Rivian Foundation's grant

Rivian Foundation's support is helping the Cumberland River Compact advance restoration projects that enhance water quality and protect critical habitats. This funding will also support efforts to increase community awareness and engagement in environmental stewardship, foster collaborative partnerships with government agencies and corporations, and advocate for the installation of green infrastructure and stormwater management features in Nashville’s green development initiatives.

Photo by: Andrea Behrends
Photo by: Andrea Behrends