Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust

Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust

Photo By: VCHT
Photo By: VCHT

"Small islands suffer the impacts of climate change every day. Islanders are invested in finding and implementing solutions for a healthier planet. At the VCHT we do it through education, research, disaster preparedness, buying and hiring locally, and nature-based environmental restoration. We work with our minds, hearts, and hands for Vieques... because our lives and future depend on it."

Photo By: VCHT

Lirio Márquez-D’Acunti, Executive Director

Lirio Márquez-D’Acunti, Executive Director

About Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust (VCHT)

The Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust (VCHT), founded in 1985, is the leading nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving the natural and cultural resources of Vieques, Puerto Rico. Vieques is home to some of the Caribbean’s most vital ecosystems, including mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and the world’s brightest bioluminescent bay. VCHT’s mission is to foster, protect, and conserve the island's unique environments. Through its work, VCHT aims to ensure the sustainability and resiliency of Vieques, benefiting both its people and the physical and cultural environment.

>> Learn more: VCHT Website | Instagram

About Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust (VCHT)

The Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust (VCHT), founded in 1985, is the leading nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving the natural and cultural resources of Vieques, Puerto Rico. Vieques is home to some of the Caribbean’s most vital ecosystems, including mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and the world’s brightest bioluminescent bay. VCHT’s mission is to foster, protect, and conserve the island's unique environments. Through its work, VCHT aims to ensure the sustainability and resiliency of Vieques, benefiting both its people and the physical and cultural environment.

>> Learn more: VCHT Website | Instagram

Rivian Foundation's grant

Rivian Foundation's support is enabling VCHT to launch a community-led, shovel-ready project to restore and preserve Mosquito Bay, the brightest bioluminescent bay in the world that was severely damaged by Hurricane Maria in 2017. This project will focus on the rapid revival of mangroves, seagrasses, and corals to maintain the bay’s bioluminescence, sequester carbon, enhance climate resilience and support local biodiversity. By protecting these vital ecosystems, the project will also help safeguard the economic stability of Vieques, which relies heavily on tourism and serve as a model for coastal restoration across the Caribbean.

Photo By: VCHT
Photo By: VCHT
Photo By: VCHT
Photo By: VCHT
Photo By: VCHT
Photo By: VCHT