"Urban Roots is close to my heart because I’ve learned about myself, the community, other people, and other things. I made so many new relationships and so many new experiences. I’ve really improved my self-esteem and comfortability with communication!"

Rivian Foundation's grant
The Rivian Foundation's support is helping Urban Roots impact their community by offering leadership development and food justice advocacy programs to high school youth, who partner with volunteers to grow thousands of pounds of vegetables using regenerative agriculture for their food access program. Over two years, this funding will allow Urban Roots to hire 160 youth, host 2,000 volunteers, and offer farm tours to 1,000 K-12 students. Together, the Urban Roots community will distribute approximately 300,000 servings of sustainably grown vegetables to Austin residents facing food insecurity. This support also helps Urban Roots protect 9 acres of farmland in a federally designated food desert from commercial development, laying the foundation to grow and distribute more food and expand their community.